I Love Anastasia


Secrets to Success and Inner Peace

Millions of people have changed their lives because of Wayne Dyer's teaching.

Before there was a Tony Robbins...Before there was a Dr. Phil...

There was one and only Dr. Wayne Dyer.

The Ten Secrets online course is filled with great audio of Dr. Wayne Dyer. The morning and evening meditations in chapter four alone are worth the investment. Listen to the audio in this course every week. When you combine the Ten Secrets online course and his WisdomFlash you have powerful new tools and ideas for change.

Best of All....

With this format, we've made it easy for you to have it immediately. You can start in a matter of minutes from the comfort of your own home, office, or coffee house! That's the truth.

The ability to print the lesson contents in its entirety or in sections.

Audio Messages from Dr. Wayne Dyer in each of the 10 lessons

2 of His personal daily meditations

Your own personal online journal to trace your success and inner peace

No Costly Shipping Charges

No Waiting.... to begin Improving Your Life with Dr. Wayne Dyers 10 Secrets to Success and Inner Peace Course

Thousands of Conscious One members have taken the course and their personal results have been amazing.

"Change the way you look at thingsand the things you look at will change..."

Learn How to Change Your Life Using the 10 Secrets for Success andInner Peace Courseand Let Dr. Wayne Dyer and Conscious Oneshow you how...

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